Affiliate-Free Blog

Dear Readers,

As you may know, this blog started with initial posts containing affiliate links embedded within the articles. These links will be gradually removed from the articles as I continue to update the website and its articles. My reasons for removing affiliate links are the fact that it sits against the mantra of this blog – which is to promote a sustainable lifestyle, one of the key elements of such a lifestyle is reducing one’s waste and avoid buying unnecessary things, another reason is the complexity of ‘green products’, many companies may claim to be carbon neutral simply because they utilise a carbon offset scheme to reduce their carbon footprint. As far as I know, this is less ideal than simply not generating that carbon footprint in the first place.

Thirdly, I am a reader too and the purpose of this blog is to promote factual information and not selling products and including factual information in between convincing you to buy a certain product. I decided that focusing on the facts was more important than trying to sell anything, this is why making a small donation would really help me to keep going – no matter how small.

Lastly, there is no email subscription list as you can see, like you, I’ve been ‘forced’ to subscribe to various websites in order to access their information but oh, how many times I have gotten annoyed at websites when they send me multiple emails. I would like to avoid that, rather, I would prefer to subscribe to these websites via their social media accounts to get notified about new articles or posts or simply have access to their profile to check what is new.

Please free feel to let me know what you think in the comments below.

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