5 Facts

  • 5 Quick ways to fact-check online information

    5 Quick ways to fact-check online information

    This post provides a series of steps that a reader can utilise in order to discern factual information from a writer’s opinion, recommends a scientific approach to fact-finding as well as recommending a list of websites that provide known science-backed climate truths. Following these steps will allow the reader to find the unbiased information that… Read more

  • 5 facts about Household Energy Consumption Explained

    5 facts about Household Energy Consumption Explained

    This article discusses about residential home energy use and compares this with a few key countries, namely, the US, Canada and Australia. It also discusses temperatures that are recommended for households, considerations that the individual may take for reducing one’s energy consumption and potential monetary savings that could be reaped. Energy consumption increases one’s ecological… Read more

  • Reduce Now & Start Saving The World in 2024

    Reduce Now & Start Saving The World in 2024

    Climate change, one of the biggest problems faced by our generation with a myriad of possible solutions and none fully taking its form into reality. Since its inception in 1988, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has been publishing high quality, research evidence-based assessment reports investigating climate change, what causes it and its implications in… Read more

  • 5 details that you didn’t know about in the Paris Agreement

    5 details that you didn’t know about in the Paris Agreement

    It seems almost impossible to discuss anything about the climate and the environment without the mention of the Paris Agreement. Completed on 12th December 2015, this 27-page document with 29 Articles is a legally binding international treaty adopted by 196 countries. As famous as it is, the Paris Agreement in actuality contains many facets to… Read more